complete every court document you need

Court Forms Suck
Do Them The Easy Way

Why spend time figuring out which court forms to file when our premium Form Builders can walk you through the process? You answer questions and we create all the documents you need to advance and resolve your court case, including:

  • Divorce
  • Custody and Child Support
  • Restraining Orders
  • Probate
  • Eviction
  • Consumer Debt / Collections Cases

the practice area you need

JusticeApp Advance

Abuse Prevention


Custody & Support

Housing / Eviction



evidence, documents, and court filings

Your Entire Case (All in One Place)

With JusticeApp Advance you’ll create and store all the files you’ll need to maximize your case’s outcome. If you’re looking for justice, you’ve come to the right app.
what people are saying

The Time is Now for Justice for All

Impressive source of legal information. This app was recommended by a friend as a place to help me get some basic legal info. Turns out this app is that and more. In addition to what I expected, like helping find a lawyer, there are options, like requesting an audio of my court hearing which I didn't even know was something someone could do, in an easy to use format.
- FogartyJR (JusticeApp User)
This is the future of how clients will find reliable information, professionals and resources
- Justin Kelsey, Owner Skylark & Mediation, PC