the power is in palm of your hand

A Powerful Free App

JusticeApp aggregates the resources you’ll need to organize your case and push it forward. No more endless internet searches. No more being lost. Download JusticeApp and put all the resources in one convenient place. 

Create a JusticeApp Advance account to superpower your experience with additional features:

  • Navigate your court case from start to finish.
  • Complete & file court forms easily with JusticeApp Form Builders.
  • Securely store, organize, & share your case with the Case File feature.
  • Upload files and scan documents with the Capture feature.

a game changing free app

Even the Playing Field

Find a Lawyer

Browse, filter, and sort through legal aid organizations, government programs, and private lawyers to find help within your budget, even if your budget is zero.

The Law

Access curated information on the law from reliable government and nonprofit sources.


Track your case in the Court's online docketing system and learn of new hearings and orders before you receive formal notice.


Find helpful information and directions to every courthouse in this feature and learn about the building where your case will be decided.

Court Audio

Order an audio recording or transcript of your court hearing, and catch every word spoken by the parties, the lawyers, and the judge.

Form Builder

Access free and low-cost document builders to easily complete your court documents.
managing your legal issue made easy

Lots of Resources (All in One Place)

The legal industry is full of incredible lawyers, organizations, and other resources, but you need to know where to find them. Now they’re all in one place – JusticeApp.

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The Time is Now for Justice for All